
Baoquan joined the first Blockchain self regulatory organization

The opening ceremony of Zhejiang Blockchain financial technology association was held in Zhejiang financial centre in Jan 13,2017, which means the establishment of the first regional self-regulatory Blockchain organization.
Blockchain technology has been included  in the <National Informatization Planning> by the State Council. Hangzhou as a the financial innovation and technology innovation city, the establishment of Blockchain committee aims to adapt to the new trend of the development of financial technology, constructing a healthy, orderly, standard and virtuous industry ecology. With the rapid development of Blockchain in Hangzhou, the committee filled the blank of regional institute and self-regulatory organization, formed the Blockchain multi-regional development situation.

The CEO Gao Hang of Baoquan was invited to join the opening ceremony. He indicated that the most PoC projects about Blockchain are lack of the practical use, and can not bring a mature business model. So the biggest problem is how to own money through Blockchain. In other words, the committee need help to promote the development of Blockchain application and find the right way to developer the killer application to own money, making the industrial efficiency.
The co-founder Yu Xuemai of Baoquan believes that the most startups choose Blockchain due to its technological superiority. But the application how be born is not only rely on the advanced  technology, but also need meet the need of users. Therefore,  the industrial specialists need facing the need from users, then with a deep understanding in the industry process, background and current situation, find out the most suitable Blockchain characteristics to match the corresponding industry.

