
Insurance + Blockchain Part 2:Development Chanllenge for Internet insurance

The essence of finance is for value circulation, and any value transfering, trading, storage and payment are all based on trust. The Internet protocol called TCP/IP, which can break the information silos, eliminate information asymmetry, realize information transfer, and get rid of information barriers of the traditional fianancial trading activities. Blockchain technology which is built on TCP/IP, combined encryption authentication technology with Internet distributed technology, then find a new solution based on algorithm, promote Internet transfer from “information” to “value”. Blockchain can effectively achieve the establishment of trust mechanism between the transaction parties, with high efficiency and low cost, and optimizing the matching efficiency by strengthening the supply and demand, which means the core technology of decentralized finance. With the matured and widely used, blockchain technology will take great changes for Internet insurance even to the entire insurance industry.
Development Chanllenge for Internet insurance
There exists many chanllenges in the development of insurance, trust and security are the main keys that need to be solved.
The online trading of Internet insurance can bring the economic and convenient compared to the traditional way, but “online trust”of binding and existence are relatively weak, especially under the current social system with incomplete credit system and network credit mechanism. How to establish“online trust”
 with the characteristics and advantages of Internet is the key to the sustainable development of Internet insurance.
”Online insurance” can realize the combination of information flow, capital flow and value flow, identity information and capital account of users will be exposed on the Internet, facing the great information security risk, the traditional technology and management tool will often fall into a quandary, but the high cost can not effectively solve the safety problems, may also restrict the development of Internet insurance.

