Baoquan of data attestation, the joint established chain with Fadada of e-signature and OnChain, and Blockai are all based on the Blockchain to realize the digital copyright registration protection. The whole process of written copyright data with network broadcast is instantaneous through Blockchain, and cost only a few cents, in contrast to the traditional registration.
Blockchain has played a major role in the copyright registration by the timestamp which approved by the entire network consensus mechanism. The unified timestamp can ensure the creation time of the works with non repudiation proof.
However, the creation evidence with timestamp itself can not solve the problem of infringement. On the one hand, register on the Blockchain has weak legal effect. If the actual infringer obtain the original works copyright registration through other traditional channels, then he may bear the substantial infringement from the non-belonging copyright at law. Therefore the digital copyright trading mechanism based on Blockchain has become another solution.
Blockchain copyright trading market
Ascribe from German has a copyright trading market based on the timestamp of Blockchain. Blockchain is not only for the creation copyright registration, but the transaction process data is also anchored to the chain. At the same time, Ascribe offers the blockchain browser to browse the transaction flow records on chain but the actual transaction contract performance remains offline. This is the same as the evidence chain structure of Baoquan, but for the off-chain trading, it does not have mandatory, and also can not solve the problem of contract breach on both sides.
A better solution for copyright will be as the digital asset register on the chain when writing, and all of the transaction process is not only for querying, but also should be performed automatically, so as to solve the performance issues of both parties. The transaction works on the blockchain can not be shown to the non-chain trader through the encryption mechanism, thereby limiting the off-chain network crawling behavior and tort. Of course, the closed chain trading will inhibit the promotion of the copyright works.