
Part 1: The Value of Blockchain Application

With the development of information technology, the range of human activities have changed from offline to online. Recently, the amount of Internet users has over 3.5 billion, which takes 46.1% of the world, from nearly 201 countries around the globe. While Chinese netizens accounted for 52.2%, and the daily time spent on Internet is 3.75 hours, over 90% time spending come from mobile devices. As the popularity of mobile smart phones and the rise of wearable devices, which along with the development of online payment, biological recognition, social network, mobile searching, LBS, real-time communication. Users started to show the real performance of their social role on the Internet, more behaviors, thoughts, emotions also began to show in the virtual world. Then it is hard to distinguish the online world and offline world.
For the Internet virtual world, actually symbolizing a Bit world that consists of electronic data. There are more than 37 thousands GB data produced on the Internet for each second. However, data is different from the atom in the real world, which can easily be recreated, copied, destroyed, and without any traces in the Bit world. So it is a easy job to modify text, PS, clip audio and video and so on, then copying the data that is the same with the original data by modifying the time. Therefore, the Bit world lost the time dimension compared with the real world, and the electronic data is lacking of the uniqueness and authenticity of the material object.
Recently, the total data amount has reached to the magnitudes of the zettabyte, that is to say, a data owning 21 bits. However, the reality of data is hard to identify, for example, more than 2.5million emails can be created for each second in the world, but there are up to 67% of the new mail is the junk mail.
The lack of data authenticity and trust
 Of course, for the junk email, we can shield it, for the PS, we may feel funny. However, if all these unreliable data related to our credit, property, identity, the caused loss may be hugely magnified. And the blockchain technology provides the authenticity and uniqueness channel for the data from the Bit world.
Blockchain has combined the distributed storage, asymmetric encryption algorithm and timestamp, introducing the consensus mechanism of algorithmic game theory to generate a new technology architecture. It originates from Bitcoin and has become the first thing that not rely on the credit endorsement of the real world with the independent existence, owning the same reality and uniqueness as the material objects. And Bitcion is a kind of data, Baoquan use the underlying technology, that is, Blockchain to structure the reality and uniqueness resource, building the mapping channel for the data of credit, property and identity.
The structure of evidence chain
Baoquan use the timestamp to build the related relationship of the data fingerprint, making the data footprint become a evidence chain by time series. For the service example on the Internet financial platform, the structure of Baoquan can make sure for the data with timestamping from the start registration, and generate the corresponded hash value by the specially appointed encryption algorithm, then synchronized to the blockchain network. Such structure first ensure the generated hash that is based on the former hash, the cost for tempering data increased with the users’ behavior data.
Meanwhile, the generated hash value after encryption has the uniqueness, any changes for the original data may cause the hugely change, and it is impossible to restore data through hash value. So there is no doubt for the security of original data even uploading the hash to the public, transparent and verified blockchain. For the clients with the original data access permissions, they can determine whether the data is changed by the third party by compared the hash value on the Blockchain.

