
Baoquan joined the first Blockchain self regulatory organization

The opening ceremony of Zhejiang Blockchain financial technology association was held in Zhejiang financial centre in Jan 13,2017, which means the establishment of the first regional self-regulatory Blockchain organization.
Blockchain technology has been included  in the <National Informatization Planning> by the State Council. Hangzhou as a the financial innovation and technology innovation city, the establishment of Blockchain committee aims to adapt to the new trend of the development of financial technology, constructing a healthy, orderly, standard and virtuous industry ecology. With the rapid development of Blockchain in Hangzhou, the committee filled the blank of regional institute and self-regulatory organization, formed the Blockchain multi-regional development situation.

The CEO Gao Hang of Baoquan was invited to join the opening ceremony. He indicated that the most PoC projects about Blockchain are lack of the practical use, and can not bring a mature business model. So the biggest problem is how to own money through Blockchain. In other words, the committee need help to promote the development of Blockchain application and find the right way to developer the killer application to own money, making the industrial efficiency.
The co-founder Yu Xuemai of Baoquan believes that the most startups choose Blockchain due to its technological superiority. But the application how be born is not only rely on the advanced  technology, but also need meet the need of users. Therefore,  the industrial specialists need facing the need from users, then with a deep understanding in the industry process, background and current situation, find out the most suitable Blockchain characteristics to match the corresponding industry.


Part 3: The Value of Blockchain Application

Baoquan access to Judicial Recognition
Baoquan has built the encrypted dedicated channel for the notary office and judicial recognition centre, realizing a direct connection between the blockchain data with them. So users can get the effective legal evidence from their own data tracks through Blockchain.
Baoquan realized the trusted data “private evidence” by blockchain technology, and also access to the notary office and judicial recognition centre. At the same time, the traditional judicial system can make a great change based on the Blockchain, promoting the distributed society to the integration and evolution.
Copyright protection on Blockchain
From above examples of Baoquan, Blockchain as a low cost access technology, mainly providing the data attestation in the “private evidence” category. Compared with the real-time data evidence which anchored on the chain, the evidence through the judicial channel for identification or notarization need huger cost and time. Even the offline forensics process is more rigorous, the obtained evidence from the notary channel means the higher force of law. But the Internet activities with a high  frequency nowadays, the detailed economic activity is becoming more prevalent.
As a kind of the Internet long tail activity, the digital copyright has become a new application on the data “private evidence” with the fast development. Meanwhile, with the high cost on the copyright registration and the whole process takes too much time, so large amount of digital copyright works are exposured to the public without any protection. As a kind of electronic data, the digital copyright protection has become one of the Blockchain application scenes.


Part 2: The Value of Blockchain Application

 Hierarchical storage of Blockchain                  
The Internet data from the users can be linked into a series of evidence chain, and all these should be stored and anchored on the Blockchain to solidify the data evidence. However, the data structure that is considered the most secure is basically in order for the Bitcoin transfer transaction, so if you want to store the custom data, the two ways are as follows:
  • Store the data in the coinbase transaction. It can hold any data within 100 bytes. However, this is just for the Blockchain creator to write data into the coinbase, that means only through consuming the same amount of calculating to obtain the storage opportunity.
  • Hashing and encoding the data for the Bitcoin output, then set the output script as OP_RETURN and broadcast the transaction on the Bitcoin network. This method also applies to such people who is not the Blockchain creator to store the data. However, the limited storage capacity may often cause the network congestion.
In order to optimize the defects of data storage on the Bitcoin Blockchain, Baoquan construct the hierarchical data storage system on the basis of the scheme(2).
Merkle tree calculation
Each user store the hash value on their own user chain, and the system will structure the hash value into a Merkle tree for every minite, then calculate the root hash of the Merkle tree to store and anchor on the Blockchain. This root hash calculation step can be re-executed for every 10 minites, then stored on the Blockchain. (We called this process “anchoring”)
 Hierarchical storage of Blockchain  
All these data on the user chain and anchor chain are stored in the network nodes of Baoquan, which can compose the point-to-point network. The more nodes means the higher security. For the users without the node deployment ability, they should trust Baoquan will not temper the data, meanwhile, the possibility for data tempering will be reduced with other users’ node deployment.
Users should pay no attention to the data on the Blockchain due to the hierarchical data storage system, which can greatly reduce the transmission load and users’ storage pressure.
Reality of judicial recognition
Whether for the blockchain technology or the overall information technology, all technology must meet the current social needs and legal framework. Although the Blockchian believers have declared that “the code is the law”, but the DAO was attacked by hackers, effectively breaking the declaration.
As a result, Baoquan has made the data attestation access to the traditional judicial channel by Blockchain as a mission of the data creation that is corresponding to the reality.


Part 1: The Value of Blockchain Application

With the development of information technology, the range of human activities have changed from offline to online. Recently, the amount of Internet users has over 3.5 billion, which takes 46.1% of the world, from nearly 201 countries around the globe. While Chinese netizens accounted for 52.2%, and the daily time spent on Internet is 3.75 hours, over 90% time spending come from mobile devices. As the popularity of mobile smart phones and the rise of wearable devices, which along with the development of online payment, biological recognition, social network, mobile searching, LBS, real-time communication. Users started to show the real performance of their social role on the Internet, more behaviors, thoughts, emotions also began to show in the virtual world. Then it is hard to distinguish the online world and offline world.
For the Internet virtual world, actually symbolizing a Bit world that consists of electronic data. There are more than 37 thousands GB data produced on the Internet for each second. However, data is different from the atom in the real world, which can easily be recreated, copied, destroyed, and without any traces in the Bit world. So it is a easy job to modify text, PS, clip audio and video and so on, then copying the data that is the same with the original data by modifying the time. Therefore, the Bit world lost the time dimension compared with the real world, and the electronic data is lacking of the uniqueness and authenticity of the material object.
Recently, the total data amount has reached to the magnitudes of the zettabyte, that is to say, a data owning 21 bits. However, the reality of data is hard to identify, for example, more than 2.5million emails can be created for each second in the world, but there are up to 67% of the new mail is the junk mail.
The lack of data authenticity and trust
 Of course, for the junk email, we can shield it, for the PS, we may feel funny. However, if all these unreliable data related to our credit, property, identity, the caused loss may be hugely magnified. And the blockchain technology provides the authenticity and uniqueness channel for the data from the Bit world.
Blockchain has combined the distributed storage, asymmetric encryption algorithm and timestamp, introducing the consensus mechanism of algorithmic game theory to generate a new technology architecture. It originates from Bitcoin and has become the first thing that not rely on the credit endorsement of the real world with the independent existence, owning the same reality and uniqueness as the material objects. And Bitcion is a kind of data, Baoquan use the underlying technology, that is, Blockchain to structure the reality and uniqueness resource, building the mapping channel for the data of credit, property and identity.
The structure of evidence chain
Baoquan use the timestamp to build the related relationship of the data fingerprint, making the data footprint become a evidence chain by time series. For the service example on the Internet financial platform, the structure of Baoquan can make sure for the data with timestamping from the start registration, and generate the corresponded hash value by the specially appointed encryption algorithm, then synchronized to the blockchain network. Such structure first ensure the generated hash that is based on the former hash, the cost for tempering data increased with the users’ behavior data.
Meanwhile, the generated hash value after encryption has the uniqueness, any changes for the original data may cause the hugely change, and it is impossible to restore data through hash value. So there is no doubt for the security of original data even uploading the hash to the public, transparent and verified blockchain. For the clients with the original data access permissions, they can determine whether the data is changed by the third party by compared the hash value on the Blockchain.


What does the Blockchain mean in 2017?

For the digital assets and blockchain technology, what changes will be taken in 2017? As the news said, Glodman Sachs has dropped out the R3 Blockchain alliance, and many people guess that the Bitcoin which is based on Blockchain will be about to move toward end.
So, all these doubts are reasonable?  Are digital currencies generally facing and end as we thought?
Absolutely impossible!——Although we can be sure there will be some changes in the whole ecosystem in the future.
Let’s consider such question: when British exited from Europe in 2016, most people think the pound may tumble overnight. However, the value of Bitcoin is improved, the same in American election and the plunged stock market. The two event is just a coincidence? I don’t think so. All these data point are related to the safety of digital assets, with borderless and frictionless. So we can learn that Bitcoin make no allowance for the global risk.

Looking back over the past year, the Blockchain start-up enterprises has gained $1 billion dollars in the first quarter of 2016 and $429 million dollars in the first three quarters, but these investments are gradually withdrew from now on.  Compared with 2015, the trading activity has declined by 16% and the total financing has reduced by 7%. We also can find that other potential changes have impacted on the market. For example, Circle announced that their digital wallet can not support for the Bitcoin trading any more.
Is this meaning for the beginning of Bitcoin to the end?
Not entirely. Actually, when the technology can solve the key innovation on the financial system, all these guess is reasonable.  Or based on the frame of Gartner Hype Cycle, Bitcoin has reached the peak of inflated expectations. All the successful cases will accompanied by the failure cases. Some companies will take action but some won’t. Other ways, public pay less attention to Blockchain due to the valueless test and implementation of Blockchain. During this period, many companies failed and withdrew the market, and other alive companies will continue to succeed in the market and make great use of the investors’ money.

In my personal view, great changes will be taken in the future market. Blockchain will facing the innovation on the basic level and build an excellent system.  Just for the blockchain technology, it will still play an important role in 2017.
Company Website:https://www.baoquan.com/en/
Contact E-mail:js@baoquan.com


The begin lecturing about 《Frontier workshop for Blockchian》by CCF

The core supporting technology of digital encryption currency system is Blockchain which represented by Bitcoin, providing solutions for the centralize questions of high-cost, poor efficiency and security. With the rapidly development of Bitcoin, the research and application for Blockchain has been showing a explosive growth trend and has caused widespread concern from the government, financial institute, technology company and capital market. It has been said to the fourth mile stone on the way of credit history, the fifth disruptive innovation that following by the large computer, PC, Internet and mobile & social network.
The current lecturing topic for 《Blockchain》is about the basic blockchain technology, the future development direction, smart contact, the application in non financial sector, the system security, performance optimization and so on, and it will be held in Shanghai on Jan 8, 2017. The main point for the lecture is for the fast learning of Blockchain, understanding the hotspot of technical subject, then opening the scientific vision to enhance the academic exchanges and practical ability. The co-founder Wang Maolu also be invited to join the lecture.  She will sharing the topic in data encryption, data exchange, data transparency and other application aspects in non financial field. For the purpose of developing the blockchain application in weak finance, Blockchain will make great use.

Company Website: https://www.baoquan.com/en/
Contact E-mail: js@baoquan.com